Tuesday, June 15, 2010

NY Day 1

I got into NY last night and had too much to do before I went to bed. I was hoping to see people but after a long Duane Reade trip and slowly settling in, I only got to see one friend! This morning...I had set my alarm for 8:25 HA I got up when the alarm went off and somehow ended up back in bed and woke back up at 10:35..my first appointment was at 11. Thank god it was close to where I am staying I made it just in time. This afternoon in between appointments I stopped in Barnes and Noble to buy a new notebook and tried to find a new book too, but this past weekend my friend told me I should buy books on Amazon that is was super cheap. It totally killed the fun of looking for a new book. When I was done with everything for the day I met up with my good friend Eamon who recently moved out here from LA. We went to a juice bar, it was just like Beverly hills juice club..but they seemed to have much more variety. We then walked for a bit and decided to meet up with his friend Nate..whom I didn't know until we got there was another kid I knew from LA. For dinner I met up with Jim who I know through shooting DEliA*s, he works in their offices here and on shoots. We went to a cute little restaurant right up the street from where I'm staying. It had been a while since we've seen each other so it was amazing to catch up in person!

Chelsea Miller

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